by Suzanne Gatti | Sep 12, 2022 | General, HGP Promotions, Wedding Gown Care, Wedding Gown Cleaning, Wedding Gown Preservation, Wedding Gown Restoration
IS YOUR WEDDING GOWN STRAPLESS? If so, you’re in luck– during the month of September you can enjoy $30 off your wedding gown cleaning and preservation of your STRAPLESS (or almost strapless) dress!! You can choose wedding gown cleaning, cleaning and...
by Kathy Wright | Apr 6, 2010 | Wedding Gown Care
One question that we are often asked is how we preserve strapless gowns with Museum Method Preservation. It’s a good question, as so many gowns are strapless today. Many others have thin “spaghetti” straps, which certainly should not bear the weight...