It is so rewarding to see an old, yellowed wedding veil or dress restored to beautiful condition again.  We love it!  We recently restored this veil that has been around since the mid 1900’s!   It turned out so gorgeous.

The veil goes with a wedding dress that we restored for a customer’s recent wedding.  The dress has been worn three times now: by the grandmother, mother and new bride.  However, all three brides individualized their dress with different veils.

OldVeilRestored3This veil is the original and matches the dress.  It’s lovely once more, but not without a bit of work.  Because the headpiece has a wire frame that could rust during the restoration process, we had to take it apart and reconstruct it again after processing.

The end result is worth the work:  White and beautiful again.


How Can I Afford Nine Swans?
Something old, something new...